Course curriculum

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    Module 1: Listen With Empathy

    • Module 1

    • Empathy vs Sympathy

    • Listening with Empathy

    • Why We Resist

    • Stages of Change

    • What I'm Asking

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    Module 2: Shift Your Thinking

    • Module 2

    • The Only

    • The Only

    • The Only

    • The Only

    • Reflecting on the Story

    • Reflection Questions: The Only

    • Did You Know: The Only

    • Applicable Resources: The Only

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    Module 3: Actions Toward Allyship

    • Module 3

    • Allyship

    • What Is An Ally

    • What You Should Do Now

    • Make A Plan

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    Wrapping Up

    • Six Word Story Review

    • Six-Word Story Review

    • Feedback

    • Feedback