Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome and Introduction

    • Welcome

    • Terms and Conditions

    • Who I Am

    • Why This Course

    • Course Objective and Content

    • Before We Begin

    • Your Organization's Story

  • 2

    What is Storytelling?

    • Module 1

    • Telling the Truth

    • Storytelling Is

    • Story Shapes

    • Power of Storytelling

    • Storytelling Inside Organizations

    • Storytelling in Your Organization

    • Exercise: Storytelling in Your Organization

  • 3

    Making Room for Stories

    • Module 2

    • Why People Share

    • Create the Environment

    • Story Stewardship

    • Is there Room?

    • Exercise: Is there Room?

  • 4

    Discover Your Story

    • Module 3

    • Investing in Culture

    • Stages of Change

    • Your Culture is Not

    • Your Culture Is

    • Culture Warning

    • Culture Quilt

    • Whose Stories

    • Diversity Considerations

    • Whose Stories Exercise

    • Exercise: Whose Stories

  • 5

    Create A New Story

    • Module 4

    • Create Your Environment

    • Imagine

    • What You See

    • What You Feel

    • What You Hear

    • What You Smell

    • What You Taste

    • Capture Your Story

    • Exercise: Capture Your Story

  • 6

    Next Steps

    • Module 5

    • Changing the Story

    • Take a Look Back

    • Assess the Gaps

    • Consider Potential Solutions

    • Getting Help

    • Thank You

    • Feedback

    • Feedback